British Columbia to participate in earthquake preparedness drill

The upcoming earthquake drill is set to be the country’s largest

Insurance News

By Lyle Adriano

The Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC), along with the BC Earthquake Alliance, is inviting all residents of British Columbia to participate in this year’s Great British Columbia ShakeOut.

The event, to be held on Thursday, October 20, at 10:20am, is shaping up to be Canada’s largest earthquake preparedness drill to date.

“More than 3,000 earthquakes occur in British Columbia each year. Most are too small to be felt, but the risk of one big enough to cause major damage is real,” said BC Earthquake Alliance president Dave Cockle. “Participating in the Great British Columbia ShakeOut is an excellent way for your family or organization to take one small step towards preparing to survive and recover quickly.”

“The Great British Columbia ShakeOut provides us with an opportunity to take another step forward in preparedness, an important pillar in emergency management,” remarked Minister of State for Emergency Preparedness Honorable Naomi Yamamoto. “It’s an event that will remind us all of the importance of drills so that together, we are all prepared if a major earthquake hits. I encourage all British Columbians to register and take part – and Drop, Cover and Hold On.”

“IBC is pleased to be working with Great British Columbia ShakeOut, government officials and British Columbians to create a culture of preparedness,” commented IBC vice-president of Western & Pacific Bill Adams. “There are a number of steps you can take to make sure you are prepared both physically and financially, and one step is to participate in the Great British Columbia ShakeOut.”

Those looking to participate in the drill are encouraged to register on the official ShakeOut website, at
Earthquake damage, according to an entry on IBC’s website, is typically not covered by a standard homeowner’s insurance policy. The same entry warns that in the next 50 years, there is a significant 30% chance that a major earthquake would hit B.C.

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