No lesson learned by this drunk, says broker

Did the repeat drunk driver truly learn a lesson from the prank played on him by his friend? One broker wonders if it was taken to heart or was simply treated as just another practical joke, in the Insurance Business Comment of the Week.

Insurance News


Did the repeat drunk driver truly learn a lesson from the prank played on him by his friend? One broker wonders if it was taken to heart or was simply treated as just another practical joke, in the Insurance Business Comment of the Week.

Monday’s story, Coma prank teaches impaired driver a lesson, was one of the most-shared stories from the week.

Comedian Tom Mabe decided to teach a friend of his – who had been charged for impaired driving five times and still persisted in driving drunk – a lesson, by taking him to a phony hospital room the next time he passed out, and then telling him when awakened that he had been in a coma for 10 years.

The comment from Ingrid doubts a lesson was learned at all:

“I have seen it (the YouTube video) and I would like to know if he really learned his lesson or did he think it was all a joke,” she said. “He was laughing at the end of it. I don't think he cares.”

The YouTube video received well over 10 million views, including at least one broker who believes the elaborate scheme was wasted on a man who seems determined to continue his socially unacceptable behaviour.

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